Our Family

Saturday, May 23, 2009

A Wet Water Good Time!

The weather finally warmed up a couple of weeks ago and the kids were really excited to have 'A Wet Water Good Time!'
We got out several containers, measuring spoons and cups and toys to experiment with.

Adding food coloring to the water really made something as simple as water play into the most exciting thing they had ever done.  Amazing how the little things provide the most entertainment.
I really couldn't have been happier.  This provided almost TWO straight hours of FUN!

We will definitely be having lots of water play this summer.


  1. ha - we've done that. glad you guys had fun. just think if you make them concentrate you can be adding in fine motor skill time. it's great. transfer activities, counting, you name - always better with water. yeah!

  2. Tyler looks like he still has the blackeye. What a great way to pass the summer days.
    Nana Quiggle

  3. Lisa, you are really doing a good job bloggin! I am so excited that you add posts so frequently. I was a loser and barely kept my going. I don't even know the web address of it anymore! Tell Tyler his black eye "rocks!" Love Krista and Lexi
