Our Family

Monday, April 20, 2009

Spring Fiesta!
Tyler and I had a GREAT time enjoying the day at Cliff's Amusement park.  The day was a celebration  put on by Tyler's school (Manzano Day School). It was really nice to just have a day for Mommy and T.  I was actually really surprised that Cliff"s  hasn't changed much since I had last gone, probably 15 or more years ago! Never the less we had a really nice day together. 

Bumper Cars, a true classic
"The Hopper"This was definitely a favorite of Tyler's

A great pose on the "Merry go Round"

Tyler really surprised me and I think himself by riding the big roller coaster TWICE! 
Unfortunately I don't have a pic but, when he told me after the ride was over that he "screamed like a girl" I thought I was going to die laughing.
A Great Day!

1 comment:

  1. my goodness lisa - he looks so grown up. its crazy that he is turning into such a little man. enjoy this time with him and such a great experience to do together
